Claudette Walker School of Dance  
7406 Delaware Lane  Vancouver Wa     E-Mail
Phone: 360-694-1192
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"Most parents today are willing to give their children every educational advantage.  What every parent does not recognize is that the devlopment of poise, charm, co-ordination and co-operation in group activities are important.  Teaching the child to appreciate the finer things as well as the simple ones and having him experience the satisfaction of accomplishment from his own efforts is important to his personality development ."  

Educators and Child Education Institutes all over the country agree that the best time to start this training is three years of age.  Thus, CLAUDETTE WALKER DANCE has classes available for the pre-school child.  The social and emotional development of children of this age varies greatly.  Enrolling them in our dance classes will help the situation before it might arise--before shyness, self-consciousness, awkwardness or anti-social behavior becomes a fixed habit.

Appreciation of music and rhythm is a cultural benefit to every child.  Dance education offer the opportunity to appreciate one's own accomplishments and the accomplishments of others.  Our dnce school puts emphasis on character-building, teaching along with dancing: discipline, confidence, courage, initiative and creativity.  Dancing requires a high degree of ental self-discipline and concentration that resuls in a well-developed body that is completely responsive to the mind.

To excel in something and not look upon our efforts as competitive with the accomplishments of others is progress in one's own developmen.  "Learning to Learn" is one of the greatest advantages of dance education.

The future welfare of a child is the parent's greatest responsibility.  The easiest and surest way to insure and encourage the wholesome development and adjustment of the child to himself, his peers and his responsibilities is to give him Dance Instruction which offers the utmost in cultural advantages.

Our Kinderdance program has been in activation mode since 1972.  It has been a very successful program.  Whether the child turned adult became a dance teacher was not the goal but to make them successful in whatever field of endeavor they so chose.  True, we have had many turn to become dance teachers, professional dancers but we have also succeeded in turning out doctors, dentists, lawyers, accountants, physical therapists,engineers, educators, architects, welders, entrepreneurs as well as some very great parents

The best medium for effecting the educational adjustment of children of any age, as well as giving them an excellent foundation for social and economic activity  is the complete program of rhythm, personality, tap, ballet, jazz, acrobatic etc, and public appearances---all  of which  fall into the classification of DANCE EDUCATION.

CLAUDETTE WALKER DANCE is happy to enroll students-- whether 3 yrs or 88 into one of our classes.  Our "forevever young" dancers range in age from 24 to 79.  We encourage  DANCING FOR LIFE, HEALTH AND FUN!  We enroll the recreational dancer or the more serious dancer.  All are welcome with a SMILE.